I've played a number Role Playing games, Diablo, some MUDs. Lately I've spending a lot of time playing Everquest. Everquest allows you to create a persona and play it in the virtual world of Norrath.
I've created a number of characters, and here are a few of them.
Name | Race/Class | Level | Server | Pictures |
Milalwi | Erudite Magician | 17 | Bertoxx | |
Immuen | Erudite Magician | 30 | Terris-Thule | |
Wilgor | Half-elf Bard | 14 | Terris-Thule | |
Ceneen | Human Necromancer | 10 | Terris-Thule | |
Nurab | Troll Shaman | 9 | Tallon Zek | |
Gorwi | Human Monk | 6 | Bertoxx |